Foot Health Check and Foot Care Advice

With 26 bones, 33 joints, more than a hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments, plus 250,000 sweat glands, our feet are a complex structure. We take for granted that they will carry us the equivalent of five times around the world in our lifetime but as soon as there is a problem it can literally stop us in our steps.

Caring for your feet helps them keep you going for a lifetime

Our feet are very important to us and we mustn’t let them down. Following a daily routine to help keep your feet clean and free from infection may help to prevent potential foot problems from developing in later life.

What happens during your foot health check?

On your first visit I will assess your feet to ascertain how healthy they are. This is the starting point for your programme of foot care and ensures it meets your needs.

Neurological and vascular assessment
One of the elements of your foot assessment is a neurological (nerves) and vascular (blood) assessment. To complete this I use my hands and a doppler to locate your pulse in different parts of your feet, gently squeeze the tips of your toes to check how quickly the capillaries refill, and use a light touch to assess your sensory response. This assessment only takes approximately 10 minutes and whilst it may tickle, it doesn’t hurt a bit.

Medical and surgical history

I then take a full medical and surgical history, asking you to tell me about any medications you take, operations, pains and any problems that you may be experiencing with your feet.

Preventative foot health care

This foot health check is recognised by health professionals as preventative foot health care. It is about taking pro-active measures to assess, protect and care for feet as they age over the course of your life time.

Routine foot care treatment

A routine foot care treatment then follows on from the foot health check and assessment, lasting between 45 minutes – 1 hour.

If you can see and reach your feet, caring for them is easy. You can do most of this when you are bathing and getting ready for bed. By investing a little time and thought into caring for your feet now you can prevent them causing you pain later.

A routine foot care treatment follows with these 8 steps:

  1. Cleanse your feet
  2. Cut and file toe nails to a comfortable length
  3. Debride of any callus and hard skin
  4. Check for any breaks or cracks in the skin
  5. Remove any corns – assess whether a follow-up appointment will be needed
  6. Apply dressings or paddings if required
  7. Give feet a soothing massage with the appropriate foot care cream
  8. Give any foot care advice needed

I’ll also talk to you about choosing suitable socks and footwear that fit comfortably and how to keep your feet clean, dry, mobile and warm.

If I notice any signs of infection such as nail fungus or althletes foot I’ll talk to you about seeking professional help. I generally advise against using home remedies to treat foot problems. Over the counter medications designed to remove corns and calluses contain chemical that can burn surrounding healthy skill, giving rise to further pain and possible infection.

For any foot problem, no matter how minor, seek the advice of a professional foot health care practitioner.


Ageing Feet

Older feet naturally develop more problems because as we grow older our skin tends to thin and lose its elasticity. However, painful and uncomfortable feet aren’t a natural part of growing old or something that you should have to put up with. There are lots of things we can do to improve your comfort, relieve pain and consequently maintain your mobility!


Call or email me to discuss your foot health concerns or to make an appointment.

Tel. 01253 891326 or 07939151744


If I don’t answer the phone I may be with a client so please leave a message and I’ll come back to you.